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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 221-407

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On Wiener–Hopf Operators Associated with the Hankel Transform

G. Gregory Stephen

pp. 221-237

Finite Mellin Convolution Equations

William L. Perry

pp. 238-244

Generic Properties of Differential Equations

Thomas Costello

pp. 245-249

On the Uniquenes of Bounded Solutions to $u'(t) = A(t)u(t)$ and $u''(t) = A(t)u(t)$ in Hilbert Space

Howard A. Levine

pp. 250-259

Asymptotically Neutral Families in $E^3 $

D. T. Piele

pp. 260-268

Properties of Solutions of $u'' + c(t)f(u)h(u') = 0$ with Explicit Initial Conditions

C. M. Petty and W. E. Johnson

pp. 269-282

Singular Perturbations for a Nonlinear Differential Equation with a Small Parameter

George C. Hsiao

pp. 283-301

Lipschitz Behavior and Characteristic Functions

K. Soni and R. P. Soni

pp. 302-308

A Complete Set of Orthonormal Harmonic Functions

A. S. Farooqui

pp. 309-313

Symmetries of Differential Equations. The Hypergeometric and Euler–Darboux Equations

Willard Miller, Jr.

pp. 314-328

Capacity and the Nonlinear Navier–Stokes Equations

Victor L. Shapiro

pp. 329-343

Singular Perturbation of an Improperly Posed Problem

L. E. Adelson

pp. 344-366

Explicit Integral Transform Proofs of Some Transplantation Theorems for the Hankel Transform

Susan Schindler

pp. 367-384

Some Monotonicity Properties of Bessel Functions

Lee Lorch, M. E. Muldoon, and Peter Szego

pp. 385-392

Averaged Integral Transforms

D. M. Rognlie and B. C. Carlson

pp. 393-407